04 June 2007

Human kindness as an asset

Whenever the United Nations Development Programme publishes it human development index, Nicaragua inevitably ends up as number hundred-and-something. No matter the personal efforts and sacrifices of the individual Nicaraguan, the policies carried out by inept politicians, combined with an unjust, international trade system, confines this small, Central American country to third-class human development. People are poor, uneducated, lack health, housing, access to clean water, and spend far too many resources on military, corruption and old debt. But at least they are fairly happy. Welcome to Paradise, but please take care – the snake is still around.
But Nicaraguans are a fascinating species. In spite of the hardships, war, corrupt politicians (sorry I keep bringing it up, but they are indeed plentiful…) and an eventual hurricane or an earthquake, they still manage to put up a happy face, treat you nicely and make you feel at home. If the human development index included the aspect of human kindness as an asset, Nicaragua would most definitely be placed somewhat higher on the list.

Published by Christian Korsgaard

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